Why are there still no answers on Wipert situation?

Published 10:32 pm Saturday, December 13, 2008

Wake up taxpayers!

Has anyone ever wondered about the money Mary Wipert was allowed to keep?

Remember, she got fired from her job, and she was allowed to receive more than $30,000 to $50,000 worth of pay and benefits she was not entitled to.

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Wipert was fired from her easy job she sat in for 30 years and was allowed to keep getting paid for six months after she was fired. That money was ours, the taxpayers’ and Wipert should be made to pay that money back to the people of this county.

The county commissioners are not going to say any more about this issue. Why?

Do they think it is right to take taxpayers’ money and their money in such a way?

The people in this county deserve more. Our tax money paid Mary Wipert’s salary and her benefits. She was not entitled to it.

After her firing, she should not have kept getting paid for six months! I’m sure neither Wipert nor the county commissioners are losing any sleep over this matter.

The taxpayers in this county deserve an answer. It looks like the taxpayers got ripped off again.