A New Year, A New Life
Published 11:11 pm Saturday, January 3, 2009
She has a name that sounds like a lullaby. Keagan Olivia Jade Knisley. The miracle baby of her parents, Robert and Dawn Knisley of Ironton.
The fact that she was one of the first babies of the New Year is utterly inconsequential to her parents. However, at 6:24 New Year’s morning this miracle baby was born at Cabell Huntington Hospital.
“I was very excited, “ Robert Knisley said about the birth. “Everybody wanted to know if we cared it was a New Year’s baby. We counted fingers and toes and she was healthy. That was all that matter to us.”
The new baby is the third child for Robert, but the first for his wife.
“We had tried three times to have a baby,” he said. “We met a doctor in Huntington who did in vitro. The chances of that were slim. One egg took and here we are and have a baby.”
Now she joins her new family that includes big sister, Taylor, 13, and big brother, Tyler, 11.
Her melodious name was inspired from the Celtic realm.
“Her mother and grandmother have some Irish in them and that is why we picked the names,” said Robert who is owner/operator of I Town Designs, on the corner of Third and Neal streets in Ironton.
Dr. William Burns, director of Cabell’s Center for Advanced Reproductive Medicine, was in charge of the in vitro fertilization and Dr. Rafael Molina was Dawn’s physician.
However, when the big day did came, Dr. Aaron Scaife, a family friend, was actually on call that morning and delivered Keagan.
With lots of coal black hair and blue eyes, the latest addition to the Knisley family seems to resemble both mom and dad, her father contends.
As to the future, Robert has no particular aspirations for his new daughter, except for two special wishes.
“As long as she is educated and knows what is right from wrong, I think that is what you wish for any kid,” said the proud Papa.