Pharmacy robber gets empty bottles

Published 10:29 am Friday, January 9, 2009

COAL GROVE — Area law enforcement are looking for a man who held up the Coal Grove Pharmacy Wednesday afternoon.

Just after 4:30 p.m., a man walked into the drug store wielding a gun and demanded oxycontin, hydrocodone and Xanax.

“He ordered the pharmacist to fill up a bag but the pharmacist gave him empty bottles,” Coal Grove Police Chief Jason Bloomfield said. “He left, went around the drug store and down an alley next to the pharmacy.”

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Lawrence County Sheriff’s deputies are assisting with the investigation. Detective Aaron Bollinger said the suspect is a young white man, in his early 20s or even teens. He is described as 6 feet tall, 180-190 pounds.

Two or three customers and as many as four employees were in the store at the time of the hold-up. No on was injured.

Those with any information about the holdup are urged to call the Coal Grove Police at 532-1533 or the sheriff’s office at (740) 532-3525.