Lawrence County students to perform at Rivertown Review
Published 10:01 am Thursday, March 19, 2009
RACELAND, Ky. — A showcase of indoor color guard performance is on tap for Friday evening when Rivertown Performing Arts League, Inc. hosts its third annual “Rivertown Review.”
The event will feature several new winter guard ensembles, as the youth performance activity grows in popularity in the tri-state area.
Several new groups are on the program. They include: Spring Valley Winter Guard of Huntington, WV; Reflections Winter Guard of Hurricane; Hatcher Elementary Junior Guard of Ashland; South Point Winter Guard and Chesapeake Winter Guard. Also on the program is an ensemble of Marshall University students performing under the name, “The Necessary Guard.”
The 3nd Annual Rivertown Winter Guard Review is scheduled for 7 p.m. Friday at Raceland High School. Admission is $5 per person. Children age six and younger will be admitted free.
The Growing with the Arts Children’s Choir of Greenup KY will also perform.
“This year’s line-up shows the growing interest in winter guard in the tri-state,” said Sarah Diamond Burroway, event coordinator. “Ability! Winter Guard started three years ago and just this year, four new ensembles have organized and are performing and competing,” she said.
Winter guard, known as “The Sport of the Arts,” combines dance with intricate routines involving flags and choreography with performance rifles and sabers. The programs are brought to life through colorful costumes, backdrops and performance floors.
There are winter guards all across the globe, but interest in the activity has only recently gained momentum in the tri-state area. “The winter guard activity has been around for 32 years and Winter Guard International is headquartered in Dayton,” said Bill Burroway, president of Rivertown Performing Arts League, Inc.
“We hope to help winter guard grow here because it provides many valuable life skills for teens like teamwork, communication, discipline and respect,” he continued.
As a show of community support, the performing ensembles are asking those in attendance to bring non-perishable food items for the “Food Feud,” to benefit River Cities Harvest. “We thought it was important to join forces to help our community and to instill in young people that communities pull together during tough times,” Burroway said, in reference to the current economic downturn facing the country.
For more information about winter guard or the Rivertown Review, call 606-922-2903. Or, log on to: or