OUS to host blood drive Wednesday
Published 10:08 am Monday, July 27, 2009
IRONTON — Few but mighty. That’s what the folks at American Red Cross Blood Services call the relatively small number of people who donate blood so that it’s readily available for any and all patients who need transfusions, when they need them.
To help encourage more area residents to join in, the Greater Alleghenies Region has announced a new “I Give Blood. Will You?” campaign during July and August.
“Although just one in 20 people donates blood, as many as eight in 20 may be eligible to donate blood,” said Susie Wade, Donor Resource Representative, Greater Alleghenies Region. “And many people can donate several times a year.”
She explained that because the 100-county blood region receives about a quarter of its annual blood donations at blood drives sponsored by high schools, career and technology centers, and colleges and universities, summer is historically a challenging time to maintain sufficient blood supplies for hospitals and patients in need.
“Now is a good time to start to donate blood, or for current Red Cross blood donors to increase their donation frequency,” Wade urged.
“We realize that many are involved in outdoor activities and that some could be away on vacation, but we must continue to provide an uninterrupted blood supply for the patients at the dozens of hospitals we serve.”
“Donors of all blood types are needed daily. Every two seconds, someone in our country needs a blood transfusion,” Wade noted.
However, she said that the Red Cross currently has just less than a one and a half-day supply of O negative, A negative and B negative.
The blood region’s “I Give Blood. Will You?” campaign, featuring special T-shirts at designated blood drives, runs from July 1 through August 31. When you present to donate blood at the following Red Cross blood drives, you’ll receive a red “I Give Blood. Will You?” T-shirt, while supplies last.
For additional information about the blood drives that will feature the t-shirt, visit the Blood Donation section of redcrosslife.org.
Upcoming Red Cross blood drive:
Wednesday, July 29 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Ohio University Southern Campus’ Riffe Center Rotunda, 1804 Liberty Avenue, Ironton.