Published 11:00 pm Saturday, September 19, 2009
County jail
— Jason P. Newcomb, 27, 2065B County Road 22, Ironton, on probation violation Thursday by the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office.
— Megan D. Swed, 21, 2617 County Road 181, Ironton, on probation violation, theft Thursday by Ironton Municipal Court.
— Carl Madden, 65, Portsmouth, on outstanding warrant Thursday by the Ironton Police Department.
— Shawn E. Moore, 23, homeless, on charge of disorderly conduct Thursday by the Ironton Police Department.
Sheriff’s office
Breaking and entering — Township Road 267, Waterloo Thursday, storage building entered, drinking glasses, plates, other household items taken.
Theft — Township Road 1205, Proctorville Thursday, check taken and used, suspect named, cited to court.
Burglary — County Road 31, Chesapeake Thursday, residence entered.
Ironton police
Domestic — 300 block Neal Street Thursday, man and woman in disagreement, no room in jail for woman, woman agreed to sober up and go to bed for night.
Raccoon — 100 block North Ninth Street Thursday, dog warden notified, raccoon escaped.
Theft — reported at police station Thursday, medication taken.