Reunion draws Kitts Hill students, memories
Published 11:01 pm Saturday, October 3, 2009
The annual Kitts Hill School Reunion was at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 26, at the Mamre Baptist Church Annex, site of the old Kitts Hill School.
The reunion is for anyone who ever attended Kitts Hill School, which was built in 1927 and closed in 1952, or the elementary school, a converted school bus garage, which remained open until 1957.
At that time the district was consolidated into the current Rock Hill School District.
The reunion is scheduled every year during the last weekend of September.
The invocation was led by Clifford Gore, a member of the class of 1948. Frank Berry, class of 1947, was the announcer for the evening. Entertainment was by the “Sweet Sounds of Sugar Creek” and the delicious meal was catered by Helen Harper McIntyre (l957).
A cake, decorated in the old school colors of purple and gray, was donated by Pick and Save.
Donald Craft, grandson of graduate Enola Cade (1943), emceed an auction of donated items ranging from a 1946 school jacket in mint condition, a framed original piece of one of the school’s blackboards, photos of the school, body lotions, gym bags, hand made table runners and baby quilts, to mixers, wall hangings, Christmas tree decorations, candles, lanterns, teddy bears, and numerous other items.
There were also other donated free gifts at the registration table and over 30 door prizes for the 127 plus people in attendance.
A bulletin board was decorated in the school colors with old photographs of various graduates throughout the school’s history and several of the school yearbooks were on exhibit for viewing.
All proceeds from the auction went to the committee and will be used toward the expenses of next year’s reunion.
There were class members present from every graduating class since 1933, with Sophia Dickess Wilson receiving the prize for the oldest graduate in attendance.
There were numerous class members present from the grade school who later graduated from Rock Hill High School.
This year’s committee members were: Wilma Harper Moore (class of 1947), Glenna Harper (1954), Marcella Dickess Delong (1954), and Brenda Moore Spears (1970). Reservations were managed by Don Murnahan, (1948), committee chairperson.
The committee extends a special thanks to alumni and to the following area businesses for items donated for door prizes and the auction: Applebees, Walmart of Ashland, Golden Corral, Rax of Ironton, Giovanni’s of Coal Grove, A Touch of Grace, Skeeto’s, Texas Roadhouse, Charlie’s Tires, Carey’s Tires, Mike Moore of MWF, Bartram’s, Gillenwater’s Green House, Bob Evans of Ashland, Allyn’s Jewelers, Fannin’s Hallmark, Scherer Mountian Insurance, National City Bank, Patriot EMS, Desco FCU, Central Hardware, Iron City Hardware, Bob Linn’s Sporting Goods, Today’s Image Beauty Salon, and Guy’s Flooring.