Published 9:43 am Thursday, October 8, 2009
Ironton police
Man with gun — Ninth and Madison streets Sunday, two men reportedly in dispute, one with gun, negative contact.
Domestic — 1300 block South Ninth Street Sunday, man leaving for night.
Missing vehicle — 1700 block South Fifth Street Sunday, no specific location given, 1986 Chevrolet truck, copper colored, taken.
Trouble — South Fourth Street, no specific location given Sunday, man reportedly reportedly causing trouble, advised.
Domestic — 700 block South Ninth Street Sunday, man reportedly destroying property, left prior to officers’ arrival.
Breaking and entering — Shamrock Liquors, North Second Street Monday, windows broken.
Children — Seventh Street and Mastin Avenue Monday, small children reportedly playing in street.
Breaking and entering — 300 block North Second Street Monday.