Ohio’s communities need best leading schools
Published 10:29 am Thursday, October 22, 2009
Does it matter who is elected in the Nov. 3 school board election? Absolutely!
These individuals will make decisions affecting the quality of life in our communities, the education of our children and grandchildren, and the spending of our tax dollars.
School board members set the direction for public education for our state and nation.
Serving on a school board is a tremendous responsibility. By law, school board members are charged with providing educational opportunities for your community’s youth.
School board members should conscientiously work in the best interests of all students and all citizens.
That’s why voters in every community should take the time to educate themselves about the candidates and vote for the candidates who are right for the job.
If you want to have a say in who will make the decisions affecting your local schools, your children and the spending of your tax dollars, then learn about the issues and cast your vote for the responsible, qualified person who you believe can do the best job serving on your local board of education.
Your community deserves the best. Our students deserve nothing less. Vote on Nov. 3.
Tawana Lynn Keels
President, Ohio School Boards Association