NEWS in Brief – 11/22/09
Published 9:47 pm Saturday, November 21, 2009
American Legion post chartered
AID — A new American Legion post has been chartered in Aid, according to State Legion Commander Lou Dimmerman.
The new temporary charter was issued by the national headquarters in Indianapolis, Ind., and presented to the new American Legion Post 806 on Oct. 7.
The new post has 45 members however the charter roll is being left open. The charter commander of the new post is Kenneth E. Kingrey of Willow Wood. Post Adjutant is George R. Kingrey of Willow Wood.
American Legion Post 806 meets at 7 p.m. the fourth Saturday of each month at the Aid Township Volunteer Fire Department.
Huntington black leaders report racial profiling
HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (AP) — Black leaders in Huntington say they’ve received complaints about racial profiling, and they’re concerned about tensions between the black community and police.
Representatives of the Huntington-Cabell Branch of the NAACP and the Huntington Black Pastors’ Ministerial Association discussed the complaints Wednesday at a news conference. They also are concerned about the effect on the community of the recent fatal shooting of a black man by a police officer.
The groups say they want police to do their job, but to do it fairly.
Police Chief Skip Holbrook says he was barred from attending the news conference. In a statement issued Wednesday night, Holbrook says he’s willing to meet with anyone who has concerns related to racial profiling.
ODOT offers traffic update for county
LAWRENCE COUNTY — The following traffic advisory includes road construction and major maintenance projects requiring lane restrictions and/or road closures along the state and federal highway system within ODOT District 9. For additional information regarding projects throughout the state, visit
All work will take place during daytime, business hours Monday through Friday only unless otherwise indicated.
County Road 1 (Old U.S. 52) is closed between the 9.32 and 9.48-mile markers for a dual bridge replacement project. The project site is located just south of U.S. 52 and its junction with C.R. 144 (Charley Creek Road) at Sybene.
Throughout construction, traffic will be detoured into the village via T.R. 276 (Sandusky Road), and all traffic will be maintained within the community. The scheduled completion date is November 12, 2009.
S.R. 217 is now open at the 5.79-mile marker, just west of SR 378 at Linnville, following a culvert replacement project over Dick Creek.
ATV Club set to have fundraiser for couple
HANGING ROCK — The Hanging Rock ATV Club will have a benefit “fun raiser” noon-3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 28, at Spare Time Recreation Center.
This is to benefit Upper Township Fire Chief Jeff Scott and his wife, Sheila, who has been ill. There is a $10 entry fee.
There will be video games, a pool table available, bowling and other activities.
For more information call 533-1630 or (740) 237-4217 or email
Dates set for Coal Grove events
COAL GROVE — The dates and times have been announced for several annual holiday activities in the village of Coal Grove.
At dusk Thanksgiving day, the lighting of the decorations at Paul Porter
Park in Coal Grove will commence. The holiday display will be lit each evening and is available to the public.
At 6 p.m. Dec. 4 the annual Coal Grove Christmas Parade will wind its way from the village hall to Paul Porter Park. Afterward, the Coal Grove Betterment Club will serve hot chocolate and cookies at the park.
Saturday, Dec. 5, the Reach Group from Memorial Methodist will again have its annual holiday bazaar. The event begins at 11 a.m. There will be homemade cookies, candies, and other goodies. Lunch will be available for $5 and will consist of either a chicken croissant, or hot dog, soup of choice, dessert and drink.
At 9 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 12 children are invited to have breakfast with Santa at the Dawson-Bryant High School Cafetorium. This is jointly sponsored by the betterment club and Coal Grove Lions Club
Church choir ready to perform at OUS
IRONTON — The worship leading choir of First Baptist Church in Russell, Ky. will appear at Ohio University Southern, Saturday, Dec. 5 at 7:30 p.m.
This is another in a series of musical productions sponsored by the Ironton Council for the Arts.
Recognized throughout the Tri-State for its musical excellence and for its members individual contributions to contemporary Christian music, this “worship family” describes their music as “eclectic” with a mix of traditional hymns, Southern and Black gospel and contemporary Christian music.
The event will be held in the Riffe Center Mains Rotunda.
Child Welfare club kicks off new year
IRONTON — The Child Welfare Club began its 2009-2010 club year with a picnic Sept. 10 with hostesses Sandy Cloran and Sharon Donohue. President Jane Griffith welcomed new club members Christi Anderson, Mary Jane Clouse, Leslie Hazelbaker, Janet Hieronimus and Jane Laber.
On Sept. 24, Eleanor McCown, Madolin Blackwell and Bonnie Collinsworth entertained the club at First United Methodist Church with a speaker and program.
The Oct. 8 meeting was Fun Day and members enjoyed games, prizes and apple pie served by Pat Wiseman, Ruth Stevenson and Nancy Corn. A business meeting was conducted Oct. 22 with Barb Waginger, Mary Janet Medinger and Jane Griffith serving as hostesses. New member Diane Goodall was introduced and welcomed.
Plans were completed for the club’s annual talent auction Nov. 5.
Holiday parade set for Nov. 30
IRONTON — The annual Ironton Christmas Parade will be in downtown Monday, Nov. 30, starting at 6 p.m.
School bands and floats will participate with Santa Claus making a special appearance.
Cancer patients focus of group
HUNTINGTON, W.Va. — St. Mary’s Regional Cancer Center recently started a support group to help young adults ages 18 to 35 cope with cancer.
The group meets the third Thursday of each month from 6-7:30 p.m. in the radiation oncology waiting room at St. Mary’s.
For more information, call the Regional Cancer Center at 304-526-1349.
Huntington mission to provide holiday meal
HUNTINGTON, W.Va. — Huntington City Mission will provide a holiday meal with all the trimmings on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day. A light breakfast will be served from 9 until 10 a.m. with a Thanksgiving banquet from noon until 3 p.m.
This meal is open to individuals and families who otherwise have not planned for such an extravagant meal.
For information on how you can help, contact Lynn Clagg at (304) 523-0293 ext. 320.
OLBH Lights of Love celebration Dec. 1
RUSSELL, Ky. — Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital (OLBH) invites the community to join in the 26th installment of the hospital’s Lights of Love celebration Tuesday, Dec. 1, at 6:30 p.m., at the front entrance to the hospital.
The free celebration includes a tree lighting ceremony, holiday refreshments and a sale at the new OLBH Christmas Shop.
In addition to the tree lighting, entertainment will be provided by City on a Hill Ministries from Cannonsburg Church of the Nazarene, the Adult Handbell Choir from Advance United Methodist Church, Flatwoods under the direction of Diana Williams and the Ashland Holy Family Middle School Choir. This year’s Christmas tree was donated by OLBH Mobile Health Center employee Krista Hayes in memory of her daughter. The tree will be lit by Jacob Hankins, a 4-year-old patient at Tri-State Pediatrics, and 5-year-old Austyn Thompson.
With a $5 donation to Lights of Love, a Christmas light on the tree will be dedicated in honor or memory of a loved one.
Proceeds benefit the hospital’s Lifeline service — a home-emergency response unit that provides seniors assistance with just the push of a button.
The Lifeline system is a unit connected to the telephone, allowing the Lifeline user to utilize a small remote control to signal for help in the event an emergency. A call center is notified to send help when signaled.
For more information, please call the OLBH CareLine at 606-833-CARE (2273).
Drop in and be crafty during Thanksgiving break
ASHLAND, Ky. — Children can get crafty at Boyd County Public Library during their Thanksgiving break.
A self-service craft cart will be in the youth services department at the Main Branch, 1740 Central Ave., from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 28.
There will be crafts galore, including some you can save and give as gifts this holiday season. The crafts are designed for children ages 3 to 12. Parents need to stay and supervise the younger children.
For more information, call (606) 329-0090, or visit the online branch at