Soon museum says goodbye to another season
Published 9:50 pm Saturday, November 21, 2009
Another day draws closer to Christmas and the closing of the museum for the winter season.
The last day we will be open is Dec. 13, but will look forward to next spring when we open back up in April 2010. This past Sunday Elizabeth Melvin gave a concert of playing the piano and using her pretty voice for singing songs of different types. She is also a docent for the society and she contributes wherever she can. We thank her for the entertainment of last Sunday.
This Sunday, Nov. 22, we will enjoy hearing the Rock Hill Alumni Band under the direction of Rhonda Pemberton. I am looking forward to this. It will start at 2 p.m.
The program for Nov. 29 has changed because those who were appointed to be with us will be going out of town. Therefore, Yukyee Chann, an exchange student from China, whose host is Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cleary, will be with us. Come by and see our program.
The Victorian Christmas Tea was a great success with 49 attending. The waiters, Herb Brown and Bob Cleary, did a great job. All refreshments were prepared by the ladies of our historical society and lovely models presented the style show.
Historical Fact: The Bridge Builders
The year 1922 was the most eventful in Ironton’s civic development. The Ohio River Bridge to Russell was opened on April 21.
September 1920, a group representing the Chamber of Commerce, planned a campaign to build this bridge by incorporating a stock company with Ironton capital. After preliminary plans, a Chamber of Commerce campaign was started on Feb. 6, 1921 and on Feb. 28 at a dinner at the Hotel Marting, it was announced that money had been subscribed and was completed April 20, 1922.
(Information from “Story of the Glorious Past”)