News in Brief – 5/30/10
Published 12:00 am Sunday, May 30, 2010
HSO tickets now sold at Unger’s Shoe Store
HUNTINGTON, W. Va. —Huntington Symphony Orchestra announced recently that for an added convenience for the Ironton area, that Unger’s Shoe Store in downtown Ironton, 304 South Third St., will now sell Picnic with the Pops tickets.
Huntington Symphony Orchestra’s Picnic with the Pops season dates are June 12, July 24 and Aug. 21.
The Picnic with the Pops concert series is ranked as one of the most respected, highly visible and truly admired events of the Tri-State’s summer.
The three concerts are performed by your Huntington Symphony Orchestra at the Harris Riverfront Park on the Ohio River.
Neighbors who attend are a mix of every age group and are the civic minded decision makers of the Tri-State all coming together as one community.
After last year’s record breaking attendance, national news coverage and unique themes, the goal for the 2010 Pops is bigger, better and stronger.
Your Huntington Symphony Orchestra’s Picnic with the Pops, truly an evening of family fun for as little as $10.
W.Va. man indicted on federal bank robbery charges
HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (AP) — A Huntington man accused of robbing the same bank three times has been indicted on federal charges.
The federal grand jury indictment returned Tuesday charges 40-year-old Toby M. Duckett with multiple bank robbery and firearms counts.
The charges carry a maximum penalty of 75 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
The holdups at the Peoples Bank branch in Huntington occurred on March 2, March 26 and April 17.
Duckett was arrested April 22 at his nearby home. He is being held at the South Central Regional Jail.
Duckett’s court-appointed attorney, John G. Hackney Jr. of Charleston, declined
Arts camps cater to children with special needs
ASHLAND, Ky. — Arts Extravaganza kicks off at the Paramount Arts Center the week of June 14 – 18.
The camp is geared toward students with autism and Asperger’s Syndrome and will explore acting and music as a means to improve social skills, communication and self-confidence.
The camp is from 9 a.m. to noon.
An afternoon Arts Extravaganza is designed for students with Down’s Syndrome and will feature acting and music to improve social skills, communication and self-confidence.
This camp is from 1 to 4 p.m. To get a registration form, go to and click on KIDZone or email and request a brochure.
EPA meetings set for Tri-State Collaborative
HUNTINGTON, W.Va. — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will hold two public meetings to discuss the Port of Huntington Tri-State Geographic Collaborative – an initiative that addresses the importance of environmental compliance for the area’s land, air and water resources.
To make sure citizens in the communities surrounding the port area have an opportunity to comment on the collaborative goals and the overall strategies, EPA will host two public meetings:
7 p.m., Tuesday, Marshall University Memorial Student Center, Fifth Avenue, Marshall University, Huntington, W.Va.
7 p.m., Wednesday, Wilson University Student Union, West Virginia State University, Institute, W.Va.
For additional information about the Port of Huntington Tri-State Collaborative see:
Construction slated for bridge rehab
SCIOTO COUNTY — Construction will get under way next week in eastern Scioto County as contractors prepare for a bridge rehabilitation project over U.S. Route 52.
According to Ohio Department of Transportation – District 9 Deputy Director James Brushart, crews from DGM, Incorporated, will be rehabilitating the U.S. 52 overpass that is located on County Road 1 (Gallia Pike), approximately one-half mile east of the S.R. 243 interchange.
Construction is scheduled to get under way Tuesday and traffic will be maintained in one 11 ft. 6 in. lane with the use of temporary traffic signals and by flaggers as needed.
The DGM company of Beaver has been awarded a contract in the amount of almost $1.1 million to rehabilitate the bridge, and the scheduled completion date is Nov. 15.