Chesapeake native honored with teaching award
Published 12:00 am Sunday, June 6, 2010
CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. — A Chesapeake native was among those honored when Campbellsville University awarded Excellence in Teaching Awards to 169 educators from across Kentucky during the 24th annual awards program May 15.
“Teaching is the profession that creates all others,” Dr. Brenda A. Priddy, dean of the School of Education, said was printed on a wall in the School of Education building.
“You are the very best teachers in the Commonwealth,” she told the award recipients. “Teachers, you have shaped the lives of those who serve others.”
“You are all special to us.”
She quoted Ephesians 4:11,12 which says: “Christ chose some of us to be apostles, prophets, missionaries, pastors, teachers, so that his people would learn to serve and his body would grow strong.”
The School of Education offers 22 undergraduate and graduate programs and is accredited by NCATE, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education.
Dr. Frank Cheatham, vice president for academic affairs, told the teachers that great teachers inspire students. He invited everyone to tour the campus following the program.
Dave Walters, vice president for admissions and student services, gave the invocation and said those receiving awards are the “premier educators across the state.” “We thank the Lord for the influence you have on students.”
The CU Trio, consisting of Denis Santos on piano and Marcus Silva on violin, provided music for the luncheon.
Priddy and Cheatham, vice president for academic affairs, presented the awards. The teachers represent 61 school districts.
The purpose of the Excellence in Teaching Awards Program is to recognize the quality of teaching taking place in the school systems throughout Kentucky.
Through the awards program, Campbellsville University presents awards to teachers in each grade level (elementary [P-5], middle [6-8] and high school [9-12]) as selected by their school district. Since the program’s inception, 2,537 teachers have been honored by their colleagues.
The Excellence in Teaching Award recipients include the following with their superintendent listed first:
Boyd County School System, Howard K. Osborne, superintendent; Julie Leigh Smith, Summit Elementary School; Lora Renee Parsons, Boyd County Middle School; and Allison June Gleichauf, Boyd County High School.
Smith is a 1990 graduate of Boyd County High School. She received her bachelor’s degree in 1999 from Ohio University in elementary Education, and her master’s degree in 2010 from Morehead State University.
She teaches third grade at Summit Elementary School and is married to Ryan Lee Smith.
Gleichauf is a math teacher at Boyd County High School for grades 10-12. She graduated from Chesapeake High School in 1998. She received her bachelor of arts in secondary education from Marshall University in W.Va. in 2003.
She is married to C. Michael Gleichauf of Ironton.
Campbellsville University is a private, comprehensive institution located in South Central Kentucky. Founded in 1906, Campbellsville University is affiliated with the Kentucky Baptist Convention and has an enrollment of 3,006 students who represent 97 Kentucky counties, 30 states and 37 foreign nations.