1-car crash sends driver to Cabell
Published 12:00 am Sunday, June 27, 2010
UPPER TOWNSHIP — A one-vehicle accident on Porter Gap Road remaines under investigation by the Ohio State Highway Patrol.
The driver, a woman in her 30s, was lifeflighted to Cabell Huntington Hospital around 3:15 p.m. Saturday, after her Chevrolet Jimmy SUV apparently went left of center, striking a tree.
Upper Township Fire Chief Jeff Scott, who came upon the scene after the accident had happened, reported it to authorities.
“When I pulled up there, I saw the truck,” Scott said. “There was pretty extensive damage to the SUV.”
The unidentified woman was about 150 feet from State Route 93 on Porter Gap at the time of the crash.
Responding were fire departments from Upper Township, Coal Grove and Ironton as well as SEOEMS squads. The driver had to be removed from the car with the Jaws of Life equipment.
“We had two sets we had to deploy,” Scott said.
The investigating officer was Ohio Patrol Trooper Randy Boggs.