State funds to help with Chesy landslide project
Published 10:17 am Monday, June 28, 2010
CHESAPEAKE — The village of Chesapeake has received a boost of state money for the ongoing rehabilitation project in North Huntington Heights.
Mayor Dick Gilpin recently received word from the Ohio Public Works Commission that emergency funding for the landslide project has been approved.
The city will receive $415,251 in state money that will cover approximately 90 percent of the project. Total project costs are estimated to come in at $461,390.
Next on the village’s agenda is work on the slip project on Rockwood Avenue.
The village was able to get repaired the traffic light at the foot of the Robert C. Byrd Bridge into Huntington, W.Va. The light was out for four days in the middle of June.
Repairing the light cost the village in excess of $1,200 to pay for a new controller.
Village officials would like to see the state take over maintenance of the traffic light.
“We are trying to investigate the possibility that they retain that light,” Gilpin said. “It is a budget buster for us.”