County’s roadwork negligence cost son’s life

Published 10:27 am Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I am the father of Roman Corey Taylor, who was killed Christmas night, 2008. His car hit black ice, causing it to fishtail and strike a large tree.

If the ditches and creek were maintained, the road would have been dry since the Christmas Day temperature was 50 degrees. Water continued to run over Charley Creek days after the heavy ice storm. This was in several areas along the road.

The small bridge where Devin said Corey first lost control was very icy because a large steel pipe had been installed there and covered up with dirt. It was clogged with debris, causing water to overflow the banks.

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There was also run-off water from a church that was going across the road.

This is July 2010, water still runs over Charley Creek in those same spots after a heavy rain.

The county engineers did dig a ditch beside the steel pipe instead of removing it, and now a 15-foot section is loose and is sticking up in the air because it is stuck under that same bridge.

I have circulated a petition and received 100 signatures for ditch maintenance and a guardrail from the bridge to the first corner and we would be happy with old, used guardrails.

I haven’t ever received a phone call.

I wonder if it was David Lynd’s son who died if Charley Creek would be made safer.

Corey’s not the first to die in that area and there have been several who lost control and went in the creek. Someone please help us so that Corey will be the unfortunate last.

Randall Taylor
