Christmas in July: The hidden messages
Published 9:20 am Friday, July 30, 2010
There are phrases in the Christmas story that tell profound theological truth. Here are a few of them:
Luke 2:1 says, “And it came to pass…” God manifests His power by causing things to come to pass. It had been phophesied ever since Adam and Eve sinned in the garden that a redeemer would come.
At exactly the right time in history God by His power and sovereignty brought all things to pass fulfilling hundreds of prophecies. Even in our lives today God brings things to come to pass at just the right time. God is never too early nor too late. He is always right on time.
In Luke 2:8 we read, “And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the fields keeping watch over their flock by night.” Jesus is the good shepherd. He watches over His flock in the night.
The world is always in darkness because of sin. In the darkness there is a “roaring lion” looking for sheep to devour. However, the Good Shepherd keeps us from harm.
“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters” (Ps. 23:1-2). Then the psalmist continues, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever” (Ps. 23:6).
An angel speaks in Luke 2:10. He says, “Fear not.” As Christians we do not need to fear anything. God is on our side and He is greater than any person, situation, or problem. Many people fear God. They think He is always mad at them and ready to do them harm. But we are loved and accepted by God not by works but by faith. He loves us unconditionally. “Perfect love casteth out fear” (I Jn. 4:18). In place of fear, God wants us to experience His forgiveness, love, joy and peace. The Bible teaches that nothing can separate us from the love of God that we find in Christ Jesus.
In Luke 2:11 we read the phrase, “For unto you is born this day…” This day the shepherds sought Jesus and found Him. The Bible says that today is the day of salvation. Have you found Jesus as your savior? If not, this day should be the day that you find Him.
If you want Him, if you seek Him, you will find Him. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13).
In Luke 2:15 the shepherds said, “Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see…” Satan has people blinded to truth. He has them believing in everything except in Jesus for salvation. He has them building their lives upon everything except the Bible. He is the great deceiver and destroyer. People are blind and living in a world of spiritual darkness.
However, Jesus can bring sight to the blind and is the light that dispells darkness. If you are sick of living in darkness come to Jesus. You will find living in the light of God a wonderful, glorious life. There are so many things you need to know. There are so many wonderful things you need to experience. You will never know them nor experience them outside of Christ.
The Bible says that after the shepherds saw the child they spread abroad all that they had heard about Him. Then in Luke 2:18 we read this phrase: “And all they that heard…”
The Bible says that “Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” We are so privileged living in the United States of America. There are churches everywhere. Some television and radio stations are devoted to proclaming Jesus twenty-four hours a day. We have been privileged to hear. But have we all believed? If you will believe, you will be saved.
This Christmas (in July) the message of Jesus is everywhere to be heard. Wouldn’t this be a wonderful season to find Him? “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a saviour, which is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11).
James Kearns is pastor of Bald Knob United Brethren Church at Kitts Hill