Driving course for seniors offered at library
Published 10:36 am Wednesday, August 25, 2010
This week, seniors will be able to brush up on their driving knowledge at the Southern Branch Library in South Point.
AARP will be conducting the class, which will be from 12:30 to 5 p.m. on Thursday and is for drivers age 55 and older.
The four-hour course was developed from the original eight-hour driver safety program that that AARP began 30 years ago.
“This new 4-hour course is a great way for drivers to refocus on safety,” said Ken Kilby, AARP Ohio’s state coordinator for the AARP driver safety program.
Adult Services Librarian at the Southern Branch Library, Christine Hunt, said that library held the class last year also.
“We had a good group,” she said. “It’s definitely beneficial to the community.”
The course focuses on refreshing driving skills, as traffic laws and car designs have been updated since seniors had gotten their driver’s license.
“They’re going to brush up on driver safety,” Hunt said. “Some insurance companies give a premium discount for taking the course.”
In the course, seniors can expect to learn how to properly use new technologies used in cars, the effects of medication on driving, the safest ways to changes lanes and ways to monitor their own driving skills and capabilities.
Hunt said that the course is a classroom-based course. It is also a self-evaluation course, so there will be no testing.
To register for the course, call the Southern Branch Library at 740-377-2288. Cost for the course is $12 for AARP members and $14 for non-members. Participants must bring their driver’s license. They must also bring their AARP member card to receive the membership rate. Hunt advised that participants should arrive early.
“Each of us need to take responsibility for keeping up our own driving skills and monitoring those of family members, whether young or old,” said Ken Kilby. “The new 4-hour AARP Driver Safety course is a one-stop way to do it.”
The course is also offered in an interactive, online version at www.aarpdriversafety.org.