Ochocinco tweets apology to Goodell for game tweeting
Published 3:21 am Friday, August 27, 2010
CINCINNATI — Chad Ochocinco has apologized for his costly tweets.
The NFL fined the Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver $25,000 on Tuesday for violating its restrictions on using social media sites before, during and after games. He’s the first player disciplined under the policy adopted one year ago.
He wouldn’t discuss the fine with reporters on Wednesday, but addressed it on his Twitter account, where he apologized to commissioner Roger Goodell.
“Dad again I apologize 2 you for my tweet, as my father I understand you’ve to discipline, can we try timeout next time please :)” he tweeted before practice.
In an earlier posting, he apologized to the league and said he wouldn’t do it again. He also noted that it was the first time his tweeting had cost him money.
The NFL adopted a policy last August allowing players to use social media networks, but not around game time. Players, coaches and football operations employees can use Twitter, Facebook and other social media up to 90 minutes before kickoff, and again when traditional media interviews are finished after the game.
They’re not allowed to use cell phones, computers or other electronic equipment during the restricted time.
Ochocinco met some of the Philadelphia Eagles during warmups before their preseason game on Friday night in Cincinnati. He then tweeted the names of players he met and added, “I love prw-game warm up.” The message was posted less than 90 minutes before kickoff.
Ochocinco played the first half along with the other Bengals regulars and got his helmet knocked off after he was hit while trying to make a catch. When he was out of the game, he tweeted: “Man Im sick of getting hit like that, its the … preseason … 1day I’m gone jump up and start throwing hay makers.”
The flamboyant receiver has regularly tested the NFL’s restrictions during his 10-year career, resulting in an array of fines from the league.