Published 9:57 am Thursday, September 9, 2010
Sheriff’s reports
Domestic violence, violating a protection order — 1400 block of County Road 18, South Point, Friday, man struck wife, threatened her. John W. Barrett, 1460 County Road 18, South Point, arrested.
Disorderly conduct — area of Collins Career Center, Chesapeake, Friday underage student drunk at Career Center. Juvenile arrested.
Petty Theft — 200 block of County Road 410, South Point Friday woman concealed items in purse, stole them. Casey Vannatter, 3115 McClelland Ave., Ashland, Ky., issued a summons and released.
Theft — Township Road 1195 South Point, Friday, man’s wallet missing, found without contents along US. 52, suspects arrested by Scioto County Sheriff’s Office.
County Jail
— Tomi S. Perry, 28, 424 County Road, Chesapeake, domestic violence Saturday by the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office.
— Ian J. Lewis, 35, 11 Township Road 1408 S. South Point, warrants for arrest Friday by the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office.
— Michael J. McKenzie, 32, of 28 Township Road 1316, South Point, holder Friday by the Ironton Municipal Court.
— Jeremy D. Bates, 36, of 127 State Route 2, Greenup, Ky., domestic violence Friday by the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office.
— Christy L. Shockey, 30, of 95 Private Drive 281, South Point, domestic violence Friday by the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office.
— Charles F. Schob, 39, of 908 S. Eighth Street, Ironton, commitment Friday by the Lawrence County Common Pleas Court.
— John W. Barrett, 55, of 1460 County Road 18, South Point, domestic violence, vioting protection order Friday by the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office.
— Keith Hodges, 42, of 6 Fourth Street W., South Point, domestic violence Friday by the South Point Police Department.
— Misty D. Tipton, 37, of 603 Private Drive 1233 County Road 17, South Point, commitment Friday by the Lawrence County Common Pleas Court.
— Brandi N. Bush, 19, of 110 Westwood Lane, Huntington, W.Va., commitment Friday by the Lawrence County Municipal Court.
Ironton Police
Prowlers — 2800 block of S. Fifth Thursday, caller heard noises, wanted officers to check house. Checked house, secured windows.
Theft — 2400 block of S. Ninth Street Thursday, car broken into, clothes stolen, request extra patrol.
Theft — 2100 block of S. Ninth Street Thursday, purse stolen from car overnight.
Fight — 600 block of N. Fifth Street Thursday caller advised tenant wanted to hit him, tenant agreed to leave while landlord fixes apartment.
Check stolen — 2500 block of S. Sixth Street Thursday, caller advised someone stole a check and forged name.
Trouble — 2200 Block of S. Sixth Street, man’s soon-to-be ex wife causing trouble. Negative contact with anyone at residence.
Vandalism — 300 block of N. Second Street Thursday, someone hit car with item and damaged it.
Child locked in car — Pick’n Save parking lot Thursday, caller requested assistance with child locked in car. Child is out.
Trouble —1300 block of S. Ninth Street Thursday, caller’s child’s father banging on door, refuses to leave. Subject left prior to arrival.
Vandalism — Batham Lane Thursday, four teenagers kicking solar lights and breaking them. Found broken items, suspects long gone, unable to locate.
Trouble — 300 block of N. Eighth Friday, need the police. Subject left prior to arrival.
Suspicious Activity — Fifth Street Friday, man trying to get into parked cars. Subject had no change on him, nothing to indicate he had been into cars.
Dog complaint — 1000 block of N. Third Street Friday, two big dogs running loose, picked up one of them.
Found bike — 2700 Block of S. Seventh Street Friday, caller found bike in yard.
Tree limb blocking view —Liberty Street Friday, tree limb blocking stop sign, man ran it and caller almost hit him, advised city garage.
Domestic — Coryville Road Friday, woman standing on 93 with baby. Said husband beat her up and threw them out.
Vandalism — 1500 block of Thomas Street Friday, caller needs an officer to see what people did to house and yard.
Trouble — 2400 block of S. Sixth Street Friday, man claims woman is bothering him and he wants an officer to make her stay away. Subjects advised.
Four wheelers — McPherson Street Friday, four wheelers disturbing caller, negative contact.
Drug activity — Speedway on 141 Friday, caller said they thought they saw a drug deal on parking lot.
Kids playing in traffic – Third and Pine Friday, kids throwing football over passing cars. Negative contact.
Kid with BB gun — Eighth and Mulberry Friday, caller said kid is shooting bb gun at Eight and Mulberry, located child, no gun in sight, parents advised.