Published 9:35 am Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sheriff’s Office

Criminal trespass, assault, vandalism – Private Drive 141, South Point Saturday, two men fighting, man allegedly threw cement block through vehicle window. Warren Hong, Jr., 47, of 1840 County Road 1, South Point, and Andy A. Baise, 33, of 428 Township Road 109, South Point, arrested and taken to jail.

Burglary – 300 Block of Township Road 1057, Proctorville, Sept. 8, house broken into while residents were on vacation. Items taken.

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Endangering children, disorderly conduct – Madison Street, South Point, Sunday, driver failed sobriety test, passenger allegedly screamed and cursed at deputy. Car had juvenile passengers. Antonio R. Butler, 19, of 25 Private Drive 2151 South Point, and Shenna Z. Darby, of 25 Private Drive 2151, South Point, arrested.

Domestic violence – Private Road 302, South Point, Sunday, woman allegedly assaulted stepson. Alisha P. Perkins, 42, of 70 Private Drive 302, apt. 328, South Point, arrested and taken to jail.

Rape – South Point, Aug 25., man allegedly raped juvenile stepsister over two years time. Suspect named.

County Jail

Sireena A. Clutters, 25, of 719 Depot Square, Ironton, warrants for arrest Monday by the Ironton Municipal Court.

Ironton Police

Loud music – Murphy’s bar 12:31 a.m. Saturday, caller complaining of loud music, band advised to turn down music.

Fire – Adam’s Lane 1:30 a.m., brush fire reported at Muth Lumber, employee poured water on it and put it out.

Suspicious person – Sixth and Chestnut 8:08 a.m. Saturday, girl trying to get into school. No one there.

Theft – 400 block of Chestnut Drive 9:46 a.m. Saturday, neighbor took basketball goal, both advised item will be returned.

Trouble — 500 block of North Fifth Street 2:35 p.m., Saturday neighbor screaming at children, all parties advised.

Trouble — 600 block of S. Fourth Street, 3:57 p.m. Saturday dispute over property ownership, all parties advised.

Assault — 4:58 p.m. Seventh Street Saturday, caller’s brother assaulted her, declined to press charges.

Man hurt — 7:30 p.m. Saturday Save-a-Lot, man said he was hurt on train tracks. Man fell on tracks, lacerations only, no need for police.

Check house – 2500 block of South Sixth Street Saturday, caller’s boyfriend threatened to tear up house, checked house and everything is OK.

Trouble — 11:10 p.m. Wendy’s Saturday – two men fighting, subjects advised to stay away from each other.

Loud music — Murphy’s bar 1:02 a.m. Sunday, caller requested Murphy’s bar quiet down, advised to quiet down.

Shoplifter — Pick ‘n Save 1:43 a.m. Sunday, man shoplifted items and ran, suspect dropped everything but got away.