Voting ensures that America’s voice counts

Published 10:22 am Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I have said I was staying out of the political arena at this time; however, I am so tired of the predictions that almost scream people’s votes won’t count so why bother.

That is so unfair to the voters throughout our state and our country.

I certainly hope people will vote and hope they will vote early so they don’t get bogged down in a project and it slips their minds.

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Please, take time to get to the courthouse and register and/or vote soon — hopefully within the next seven days.

You should not get caught in the bedlam of the outcomes of the media’s surveys. Has anyone asked your opinions on the parties, candidates or policies?

Voting assures your American right and it is not handled or mishandled by those wanting a certain response. Exercise your American given right.

Please vote soon.

Dawnita Redd
