Tragedy reinforces the importance of obedience

Published 12:00 am Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sit, down, stay, and come are some basics you and your dog learns in an obedience class. These essential commands are more than just neat tricks, they make life easier and can be life saving.

This week a customer called our shop and said they had something they would like me to do an article on.

As she talked, her voice cracked and she began to cry. She struggled to talk about it and she said she would come in and talk to us in person. When she walked in she had some notes on tablet paper in one hand and in the other hand she had a stack of pictures.

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As she fought back tears, she began to tell me what happened.

She began to tell me about her Jack Russell named Jeb.

She handed me her story that she wrote down on notebook paper. As I read her notes, I read how Jeb loved to play with his two puppies and a special Golden Retriever named Sandy.

His days were filled with romping in the house, playing hide-and-seek in the leaves, going to the groomer, and shopping for dog treats.

Jeb did have one bad habit, he loved to chase cars. Wednesday night, as she was getting his bath water ready, Jeb heard a noise outside and shot out the front door. She heard him barking and then silence.

She ran out after him only to find out that her worst nightmare had come true.

She found Jeb lifeless, lying in the street. As she swooped him up in her arms, she realizes there is nothing she could do. Jeb was already gone.

Jeb would have been two years old last Monday. All she has now is the memories of all the fun times they had together and his unconditional love.

She came to me with her story so that others might learn the importance of basic obedience.

She believes that if Jeb would have learned basic commands, such as stay and come, he would still be romping in the yard.

Not only did she want our readers to know the necessity of obedience, she also wanted to remind everyone to cherish their four-legged companions. Love them, take responsibility for them, and provide for them.

Would obedience classes have saved his life?

That we will never know, but obedience does teach you how to be a leader and teaches your dog how to obey. Love your pets and be a pack leader.

Remember, every dog deserves to be treated like a show dog.

Tony Barker

The BARKer Shop