Restaurant’s owner should honor gift certificates
Published 9:58 am Friday, February 4, 2011
I was recently given a $50 gift certificate from Austyn’s restaurant in Ironton.
I was thrilled because it’s my favorite local restaurant. However, just over a week later, I went to use it and found the restaurant closed.
While disappointed they apparently didn’t do enough business to stay open, I’m more disappointed in their unsavory business practices.
To sell gift certificates when they knew they would be closing is at the least, deceitful and at the most, criminal.
I contacted the owner of the corporation in Marietta who told me it could be redeemed if and when someone else bought the business.
First of all, I can’t see the new owner, if indeed the place sells, honoring a certificate paid to the previous owner.
Secondly, if the parent company can’t deliver what was bought from them, I feel I should be reimbursed.
If this is how the Austyn’s corporation does business it’s no wonder they closed.
George Gagai, Ironton