Preparing for spring floods only smart

Published 10:13 am Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring hasn’t even “sprung” yet but Lawrence County has already been hit hard by flooding and heavy rains.

So far, the region has been fortunate when it comes to property damage and, thankfully, lives lost. But we are certainly not out of the proverbial woods yet. In fact this may only be the start.

Last year the region was decimated with flooding and damages from heavy, and near-constant, spring and summer storms.

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Dozens of Lawrence County families were left homeless or scrambling to pick up the pieces after significant damage to their homes.

Now is a good time for property owners to take stock of their houses and focus on some preventative maintenance.

This includes a variety of steps property owners can take to help safeguard their investments.

Those living near creeks and streams should ensure that there are are not blockages or debris that could cause problems.

Those who have sump pumps should test them and make sure they’re working properly.

Ironton residents should make sure that they have backflow valves and that their sewer line is working properly to prevent anything from coming back through the storm water system. Professional plumbers can help with these steps.

We may never be able to predict or defeat Mother Nature but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t prepare to do our best to be ready for whatever flows our way this spring.