4-Mile band slated benefit for Chesy schools

Published 10:09 am Friday, April 8, 2011

CHESAPKEAE —It’s been a fixture in the Chesapeake community, not just for the students, but for civic groups as well. Now the track at the Chesapeake High School has fallen into disrepair and school officials were forced to close it down a few weeks ago.

However, three young performing artists want to see it back in use and have decided to use their musical talents to do just that.

That’s why the 4-Mile band is organizing a special benefit for the Chesapeake track Friday, April 15, at 7 p.m.

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“The track has holes and is just really worn down,” Casey Underwood, vocalist and base guitarist for the band, said. “We have been around the track kids at school and we have seen them devastated that they can’t have track meets at home. That has never happened before in the history of the school. It is pretty big deal and we want to help out anyway we can.”

The benefit will be part concert, featuring music from the girls’ latest CD, and part telethon where people in the community can phone in donations. The benefit will be televised live on the school’s channel.

Organizing successful benefits is not something new for the all-girl band. Last Christmas 4-Mile did a Christmas concert for children in need bringing in more than $3,000.

The band’s latest CD, produced by Jeff and Julia Westlake, will show a new dimension to the girls’ music, according to Abbey Kimball, who creates the songs.

“I had a bunch of songs that are really personal to me,” Abbey said. “I wanted to share my stories with others. The first CD was definitely more acoustic. It fit our ages really well at the time. But we have grown up. We have matured in a good way, not a negative way. The songs have more depth. It has more edge. It is not as acoustic.”

As the band gets ready for next Friday’s benefit, the girls are working in extra rehearsals.

“We practice a lot,” Anna Kimball said. “We do it mostly in our playroom at home. We all come together and decide what would be best to do. I am really excited and glad I can do something to help the track.”

Tickets for the benefit are $5 and can be purchased at the Chesapeake Middle and High schools or at the door.