Statistics show county headed right direction
Published 10:00 am Friday, May 13, 2011
Sometimes numbers can add up to more than just a mathematical equation.
That was the case this week as the Lawrence County Commission looked at a variety of statisatical indicators that show the county is in good condition.
The county has a median household income of $34,596, the second highest of the surrounding counties of Adams at $33,850, Athens at $30,190, Gallia at $36,675, Jackson at $34,128 and Scioto at $31,445. The state median is $47,144. Lawrence County had an 8.1 percent unemployment rate, the ninth lowest in the state. Delaware, adjacent to Columbus, and Holmes counties were tied with a 6.4 percent unemployment rate.
Although these statistics don’t tell the whole story of the county’s economic climate, they are good indicators that the region is well positioned for the future.
The most powerful aspect is how these numbers can help change the attitudes and internal perceptions of our own citizens, perhaps the most challenging hurdle facing our region.
Selling outsiders on the positive aspects of Lawrence County often proves to be far easier than correcting what essentially boils down to a low self-esteem problem by our own residents.
Hopefully these statistics can help overcome this issue a little bit and people will start truly seeing that our region is moving forward.