All graduates must keep positive focus

Published 12:00 am Sunday, May 22, 2011

Over the next few weeks, millions of area youth will be taking the next big step toward their future or actually into the real world.

High school and college students will graduate over the next month or so.

The economic headlines may instill some fear but all the graduates need to know that the future is bright and that the sky is the limit, to borrow from some old cliches.

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Having a less-than-positive attitude or taking any other approach is simply non-conducive to success.

Although our nation’s economy continues to pose a variety of challenges, there are still opportunities out there for young men and women who have the work ethic, dedication and talents to become leaders of our country and the business world.

High school students should also realize that, despite a challenging job market, having a college degree or higher education certainly makes them more marketable and increases their chances of landing the career they seek.

So, for the graduates of the class of 2011 — from high school to college — the message is simple: Keep your head up, work hard and maintain a positive attitude.

The perfect job or career path is out there waiting, you just have to find it.