Communities need support after storms

Published 9:37 am Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mother Nature has been especially harsh this year. Communities in Alabama and Missouri, among others, have been decimated by these powerful storms.

The impact certainly hit close to home as well. Lawrence County has suffered millions of dollars in damages and hundreds of families have been impacted in one way or another.

A group of legislators are asking Gov. John Kasich to lend a hand and allow the county to be eligible for Emergency Management Agency funding “in order to provide emergency and income assistance, as well as public improvement assistance to the counties that have disaster declarations.”

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Right now, this doesn’t include Lawrence County, but we hope the governor looks closely at this.

At a time when local municipalities and governments are struggling to make ends meet and continue to provide the most basic of services, additional hardships could be the proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back.

Our hearts go out to all those communities and families across the country who have lost loved ones. Sadly, these can never be replaced.

Property and infrastructure damage certainly pales in comparison but can sometimes be overlooked because it may not grab headlines or draw attention. But that doesn’t mean our region hasn’t been affected.

Even during difficult economic times, our government and our charitable organizations must find a way to help our friends and neighbors here at home and across the nation.