County court busy with cases

Published 10:37 am Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Probation violations, drug charges and assault were among the matters getting discussion Wednesday before Lawrence County Common Pleas Judge D. Scott Bowling.

George A. O’Day, 40, of 720 Vernon St., Ironton, pleaded guilty to felonious assault. Bowling sentenced him to four years in prison. Assistant Lawrence County Prosecutor Mack Anderson said O’Day was arrested after he beat up his girlfriend.

Susan McBrayer, 30, of Delbarton, W.Va., pleaded guilty on a bill of information to one count of possession of drugs. Bowling sentenced her to four years community controlled sanctions under intensive supervised probation (CCS/ISP) and ordered her to successfully complete a program at the STAR Community Justice Center. McBrayer must also pay a $2,500 fine and surrender her driver’s license for six months.

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“She admits her involvement and wants to take care of this and get back to being a mother to her two children,” McBrayer’s attorney, Warren Morford said.

Bowling denied a request for a brief furlough before McBrayer is sent to STAR and instead allowed a supervised in-court visit with her family. By pleading guilty on a bill of information, McBrayer bypasses having her case heard by a grand jury or common pleas jury, admits her guilt and proceeds to punishment.

Tammy Pine McGlone, 25, of 1985 County Road 35, Chesapeake, admitted she violated the terms of her probation by twice testing positive for drug use. Bowling ordered her to successfully complete a rehabilitation program at the STAR Community Justice Center and extended her probation another year. He denied a request for a brief furlough before being sent to STAR but did agree to an in-court supervised visit.

Wilburn L. Pauley, 48, of 653 County Road 15, South Point, admitted he violated his probation by failing to report to his probation officer as he was required to do when he was sentenced, failing to pay restitution and by breaking curfew. Bowling sentenced him to three months in prison.

Darrell L. Carrico, 27, of 1216 S. Ninth St., Ironton, admitted he violated his probation when he failed to stay in counties he was approved to be in and failed a drug test. Bowling sentenced him to 18 months in prison. Bowling denied Carrico’s request for a brief furlough before being sent to prison.