Ohio Military Reserve needs patriotic citizens
Published 10:04 am Wednesday, June 1, 2011
I would like to take this opportunity to inform your readers about the Ohio Military Reserve.
The Ohio Military Reserve (OHMR) is a state defense force, legally authorized to the 50 states, Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S Virgin Islands, and the District of Columbia.
In Ohio, the OHMR is formed under the legal authority of Title 32 of the Ohio Revised Code, which designates the governor of Ohio as the Commander-In-Chief of the OHMR.
The OHMR is also one of the constituent components of the Organized Militia of Ohio, with the Ohio National Guard and the Ohio Naval Militia. The Adjutant General of Ohio serves as the commander of the OHMR, through the OHMR Brigade Commander.
Currently, 21 states and Puerto Rico maintain state defense forces. These state defense forces (SDF) perform different missions as directed by their respective governors and adjutants general. Some SDFs serve as military police or in a constabulary capacity.
Others are designated as infantry units, while others, such as the Maryland State Defense Force, specialize in professional services such as medical, legal, and chaplain support. SDF members are also used as trainers for their own forces and for National Guard personnel, such as the California State Military Reserve. Many SDFs perform duties pertaining to emergency management and disaster response.
During the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, for example, eight states activated and dispatched state defense force personnel to serve in support of dispatched National Guard personnel.
The entire Mississippi State Guard was placed on state active duty and the Texas State Guard called more than 1,000 of its members to state active duty to engage in mass care operations.
The OHMR is currently in the second year of a three-year re-organization ordered by the former Adjutant General of Ohio, Major General Gregory L. Wayt.
As a part of our re-organization, the OHMR was reformed as a civil sustainment and support brigade and ordered to train in support of National Incident Management System Emergency Support Functions #6 (Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services) and #7 (Logistics Management and Resource Support).
Citizens of Ohio serve a proud and personally rewarding service as members of the Ohio Military Reserve. To be a member, prior military service is not required but is welcomed. While the Ohio Military Reserve seeks individuals who have mission-related skills such as public safety, physicians, nurses, medics, and lawyers, we recognize everyone has skills that would be valuable to our organization and all qualified citizens of our state are both welcome and invited to join.
The only requirements are dedication and a sense of duty to our country’s fellow citizens.
If you are between 17 and 60, are in an acceptable physical condition, and can spend one or two days per month at drill and five days a year for annual training, then the Ohio Military Reserve can be your key to a rewarding experience of service to your country, your state, and your fellow citizens.
You are cordially invited to attend an online informational webinar about the Ohio Military Reserve. It is held on the third Monday of each month, at 7 p.m.
The website address to register for the webinar is http://www.anymeeting.com/ohmrrecruiting.
For more information, you can contact me by telephone at (614) 653-OHMR, or by email at dmcneil@zoominternet.net for additional information.
Deano L. McNeil, Sr. is a major and the Recruiting and Retention Manager for the Ohio Military Reserve.