Former radio personality still missed by listeners

Published 10:52 am Friday, June 24, 2011

As a former air personality on WGNT in Huntington during the early 1980s, I can tell you that JB is part of a dying breed: A true air personality.

As his former program director at WGNT, I can also attest to his personal integrity and professionalism.

Unfortunately, broadcasting is not what it used to be; economics and technology have begun to replace the individual. Magic 97.9 itself had many times during the day and night with no live, local personality.

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It’s happening all over the country.

JB, you’d be great at anything you set your mind to, but don’t turn down the chance to resurface on the air somewhere else.

I believe you were put on this earth to do what you’ve done for over three decades.

Don’t settle for anything less than your God-given purpose, unless you have no other choice.

Steve Richards

Leonardtown, Md.

J.B. Miller was the only reason people started listening to Magic 97.9 He was the launching point for the station. They used J.B.’s image to launch their brand and now look what they have done to him. Shameful.

I was with him when he brought Red Lobster to town and still with him today, such a nice person. But have to wonder what is taking so long for him to resurface.

Where are you J.B.? We miss your voice on our radio and your community work in our neighborhoods. Would someone please put this man back to work.

Kevin Rice
