Texas man seeks stories of musician parents

Published 9:49 am Thursday, June 30, 2011

I am trying to locate anyone familiar with my mother, Betty Workman (maiden Campbell), or father, Robert (Bob) Workman, or any other relatives.

Betty and Bob were musicians, and for several months in 1960, Betty sang with the Harry Ware Trio at the Sand Bar in the Marting Hotel.

Betty, born in 1921, lived in Huntington most of her life, attended Huntington High, and worked at Stevens and Lawrence drugstores, Belle’s, Nasser’s and Walgreen’s in Huntington.

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Bob, born in 1916 in Covington, Ky., was a 1935 Huntington High grad and was in the Naval Reserve from 1937 to 1941.

Betty died in December 1992 in Huntington and Bob died in July 1962 in Tampa, Fla.

If you knew Betty or Bob, crossed paths with them, ever saw Betty sing at the Marting, knew any of my siblings Crys, Robin and Teresa Workman, or have any memory of Betty or Bob, no matter how small, please contact me at frank.christlieb@yahoo.com or 817-995-1914.

Frank Christlieb

Arlington, Texas