Boy Scout Troop honored in Washington DC.
Published 10:16 am Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Boy Scout Troop 106 based in Ironton will leave for Washington D.C. on Sunday, July 17 for one of the most historic journeys in the Troop’s 65 year history.
The Troop has been invited to tour the Pentagon, the US Capitol, post colors at Valley Forge and lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns. The boys of Troop 106 have become locally famous for their flag decorum, presentations and community service. This trip they go national with their service.
“After the Memorial Day Parade this year, we received several calls from notable people who witnessed the work of our boys before, during and after the parade. Our Troop also participated in the Navy Night this year at the riverfront. People noted how serious our boys approached the treatment of our flag,” said Dave Lucas, Scoutmaster of the Troop. “I tell them, ‘No good deed goes unnoticed.’”
Randy Franz, an adult leader of the Troop commented, “U.S. Rep. Bill Johnson, our congressman, met the boys during one of his recent visits. He worked diligently to have the young men visit D.C. Our senator, Sherrod Brown, worked out the visit to the Capitol. This is a trip these Scouts will never forget.”
Caleb Franz, an Eagle Scout from Troop 106, helped plan the itinerary. “We wanted to visit places that would allow us to see the cradle of our Republic,” he said. We were thrilled to be asked to raise the American Flag at Valley Forge. Imagine…we’re going to post colors at the place George Washington camped. We also wanted to see the original Constitution. This will be such an honor!”
Tim Nicely, a retired Army 1st Sergeant who also serves in the Troop as an adult leader reflected, “Troop 106 raised the flag at Arlington National Cemetery nearly 10 years ago.
The names and faces of the boys have changed but the purpose of Boy Scouts of America remains the same. This year we return to Washington D.C. The Scouts will lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns. You can’t get anymore moving or patriotic than that.
The truth is calling this its American Heritage Tour.” Other items on the itinerary include a visit to Fort McHenry, the US Mint, the Smithsonian and Constitution Hall in Philadelphia, Pa.
Boy Scout Troop 106 wears a full BSA uniform, Scout beret, ceremonial white gloves and neckerchief in all ceremonies. The adult male leaders wear the traditional BSA campaign hat.
Central Christian Church in Ironton, Ohio has been the organizational sponsor for 65 years. David Lucas is Scoutmaster.