Reber, Spears take honors in style show

Published 10:31 am Thursday, July 14, 2011

Winners of the nutrition awards include Kinsey Kazee, Audrey Fosson, Katie Webb, Hannah Eldridge, Tristin Ward, Katie Miller and William Klaiber.

Winners of the style show were Katy Spears for junior overall and Taylor Reber for senior overall.

ROME TOWNSHIP — Taylor Reber and Katy Spears took senior overall first place and junior overall first place respectively in the style show at the Lawrence County Fair Tuesday night.

Reber is a 17-year-old student from Coal Grove who has been participating in the style portion of the fair for the past seven years, she said.

“It helps prepare me for my future,” Reber said the sewing activities.

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Katy, a 9-year-old Chesapeake student, won with a pink and green dress she made.

“(I felt) awesome,” Katy said of her win. “I didn’t know I would make it.”

For the style show, contestants are judged based on the fit of the clothes they make as well as the clothing’s fashion and how well it’s made, 4H adviser Lana Hardy said. The contest is judged before the fair. Contestants are also scored according to their answers to interview questions.

Besides the overall awards, several other first place awards were given for sewing projects. Prizes went to Katy, Reber, Stephanie Brown, Ivie Hopkins, Tiffany Wilson, DeAnna Fliehman and Molly Mannon.

Immediately following the style show were the nutrition awards. Katie Miller took the overall first place award for the senior portion and Kensey Kazee took overall first place in the junior portion of the awards.

Hannah Williams and William Klaiber took second and third in the nutrition overall senior awards and in the junior awards, Abbie Patterson and Audrey Fosson took second and third place respectively.