Man gets fine for tossing pop can

Published 9:44 am Wednesday, July 20, 2011

When does a soft drink can cost $130? When it’s tossed out the window of a car in full view of a litter control enforcement officer.

Brett Goody, 32, of 110 ½ Main St., Coal Grove, found that out the hard way Friday when he did just that and got caught.

Lawrence-Scioto Solid Waste Management District Litter Control Enforcement Officer Steve Hileman was traveling on U.S. 52 in South Point on his way to Lawrence County Municipal Court in Chesapeake in regards to another littering case when he said he saw the driver of a black Honda Prelude toss a soft drink can out his car window.

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Hileman activated his lights and sirens and pulled over the offending driver.

“I identified myself, advised the driver, later known as Brett Goody, what I saw and he stated he did throw it out because the pop spilled all over him,” Hileman said in his report.

Hileman cited Goody for littering. Goody pleaded guilty Monday before Judge Donald Capper, who fined him $20 and assessed court costs of $110.