On Deck
Published 12:31 am Friday, July 22, 2011
Fighting Tigers season football tickets on sale
The Ironton Fighting Tigers’ season football tickets are now on sale.
Tickets for six home games are $44. Checks should be made payable to the I.H.S. Athletic Department.
Fans should include at self-addressed stamped envelope and mail orders to:
Ironton High School Athletic Dept.
1701 South 7th Street
Ironton, OH 45638
Tickets will be mailed no later than Aug. 14. If fans do not receive their tickets by Aug. 21, contact the athletic department.
Ironton features a challenging home schedule that includes: Aug. 26 Wheelersburg; Sept. 2 Russell, Ky.; Sept. 9 Chillicothe; Oct. 7 Jackson; Oct. 21 Simon Kenton, Ky.; Oct. 28 Portsmouth.
Rock Hill physical
planned for July 25
Athletic phyiscals for Rock Hill High School and Middle School students will be held on Monday, July 25, at the high school.
Physicals will be administered by Dr. Tony Virgin of King’s Daughters’ Medical Center. This is the only time free physicals will be provided.
Students under the age of 18 must have a physical evaluation form with pages 1, 3 and 4 completed and signed by a parent or guardian. The doctor will not administer a physical without consent.
Forms are available in the high school principal’s office or footballoffice as well as the board of education office.
Physicals will be from 5-6 p.m. for grades 7-8, 6-45 p.m. for females grades 9-12 and 6:45-7:30 p.m. for male athletes grades 9-12.
Ironton youth football
registrations planned
The Ironton Youth Football league will conduct registrations from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday at Bob Linn Sporting Goods.
Flag football for kindergarten and first graders is available. Fee is $10 per player and $5 for each sibling.
Tackle football for grades 2-6 is $20 per player and $5 for each sibling.
For further information, contact B.J. Hannon at (740) 532-5015.
OHSAA offers volleyball officiating class July 25
An Ohio High School Athletic Association volleyball officiating class will be held July 25 for anyone interested in becoming a licensed high school or middle school volleyball official.
Anyone interested should contact Jack Welz by Monday, July 18, at (740) 532-9415 (evenings) or 533-4327 (work).
St. Joseph golf scramble schedule for Aug. 17
The St. Joseph boosters’ annual golf scramble will be held Saturday, Aug. 17, at Diamondlinks Golf Course.
Fee is $50 each. Prices will be awarded and lunch is provided. Registration is at 8:30 a.m. with a 9 a.m. shotgun start.
For more information or to register, contact Julie Roach at (740) 532-3484.
Dragons’ 5K benefit run
and walk set for Aug. 6
The Fairland Athletic Boosters will host the inaugural Dragon 5K Run/Walk at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 6, at Jim Mayo Stadium.
Registration fee is $20 and runners and walkers can complete a registration form online by going to www.tristateracer.com or mail a completed form.
Registration on race day begins at 7:30 a.m.
The first 100 to register will receive T-shirt. Registering in advance will guarantee proper size.
Awards will be given in seven different age groups.
For more information, contact Chuck Wentz at (304) 544-5816 or chuck.wentz@fairland.k12.oh.us