Athletics build community’s team identity

Published 9:43 am Thursday, September 8, 2011

Public education in today’s society has a variety of functions and classroom teaching, although the most important, is just one of the components.

Even when facing tightening budgets, our schools must work to provide for all these aspects that including extra curricular activities such as sports. It is with that thought in mind that the Chesapeake School District opted to move forward with a plan to renovate its track and football field.

This is much needed as the field and the bleachers have outlived their usefulness and are now essentially beyond repair. The track itself was closed more than a year ago.

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The district and Superintendent Scott Howard have a good plan in place that would have the project completed before the beginning of the 2012 school year. And, perhaps best of all, this would be accomplished at minimal additional expense to Chesapeake taxpayers.

This is an important project for the Chesapeake community and for the Chesapeake students.

Sports play a key role in the development of many young men and women and also serves as a unifying force for all students and the entire community.

Having facilities of which everyone can be proud goes a long way toward creating school spirit and keeping students engaged in the educational process.