Voting for Issue 3 is about having health care choices
Published 9:18 am Tuesday, October 11, 2011
With the November election pressing at our door and early voting already taking place, I would like to encourage my fellow Ohioans to vote “yes” on Issue 3, the Health care Freedom Amendment.
I hope you, as a voter, have taken the time to read and study about this Federal Health- Care Law.
Several states are working toward opting out, or already have opted out, from it. To mention a few: Arizona, Florida, Indiana, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Dakota and Wyoming.
“It is the breadth and scope of this health-care plan that the general public opposes.” Here is a quote from Florida’s Representative, in May 2011:
“The federal takeover of health care is poised to add thousands of Floridians to our already over burdened Medicaid program by mandating that all citizens purchase health care coverage.,” insisted Rep. Rob Schenck, chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee.
“The Health Care Freedom Amendment (Issue 3 in Ohio) ensures that our state, as well as the private sector, is not crippled by the individual mandate and leaves important health-care decisions up to individuals and their doctors.”
Please read that part again, as it also applies in Ohio.
This proposed constitutional amendment, Issue 3, gives Ohioans the freedom they need to make their own individual health care decisions in consultation with their doctor.
This is patient-centered, not government centered, legislation.
There are a lot of rumors about this amendment.
The truth is, that the only thing a “yes” vote for Issue 3 will do is give the citizens of Ohio the freedom to choose their own personal health care, be it the government’s or what we already have or some other. It will be of your own choosing.
Vote “yes” on Issue 3 for freedom to choose.
Charlotte Rowley