Long-term care planning not scary
Published 10:08 am Thursday, October 13, 2011
It’s October – time for Halloween treats, ghosts and goblins, and all of the activities that surround this time of year. Although Halloween is typically a focus on the “scary” things in life, long-term care planning certainly doesn’t have to be one of those “frightful” adventures.
Our agency is here to help individuals and their families look ahead to long-term care needs.
It’s always good to plan ahead, so why not look at the options available so that when the time comes for those decisions to be made, you’ll be better educated and informed.
Our agency has long-term care planning kits we can offer to you – all you need to do is call our agency at 1-800-582-7277 and we will send one your way.
Once you review the kit, feel free to call our agency for further help and assistance — we have staff that is highly trained and knowledgeable about the many options that are available regarding long-term care.
Everyone should understand that there are choices — each person has the right to understand their options and make decisions that best support their health, well-being and wishes.
Our agency is here to make sure you understand the options and are educated about the resources that exist — we can help make your long-term care wishes a reality!
In addition to long-term care assistance, our agency also offers “Sensitivity to Aging” classes that can also help take the “scary” out of aging. Individuals who attend our course are made aware of the special needs of the aging population, in addition to the myths and stereotypes that are often associated with aging. We discuss the normal aging process and how it affects the older adult, as well as physical changes and how they affect the ability for older adults to meet everyday needs.
Courses are offered two times during the year for agency staff, as well as interested community members, providers and other organizations. Space is limited, so early registration is advised.
The aging process is nothing to be “scared” of – our agency recognizes that aging is a process we are each experiencing every day.
We can help you make the process a little less “frightful” with resources, education and information that can best support the aging process for you or someone you know.
If you know an older adult or someone with a disability who wants so to stay in his or her home, or if you have questions about home and community-based services or long-term care options, please do not hesitate to give us a call.
We have trained nurses and social workers who are ready to assist you with determining what services are best suited for your situation and developing a care plan that meets your needs.
Call us at 1-800-582-7277 — we are ready to assist you!
Pamela K. Matura is executive director of the Area Agency on Aging District 7. The non-profit agency serves senior citizens in Adams, Brown, Gallia, Highland, Jackson, Lawrence, Pike, Ross, Scioto and Vinton counties.