Chamber hits target with its honor roll

Published 12:00 am Sunday, October 30, 2011

It was an evening set aside to honor five businesses or individuals who stand out among the Lawrence County community and can serve as shining examples for a number a thousand times as large.

That was the focus at last week’s annual Greater Lawrence County Area Chamber of Commerce awards dinner.

Awards were given to McSweeney’s, Inc., for Business of the Year, Charles Kunkle and Sharon Hartwig of Close to Home III as Business Persons of the Year, Mike Dyer of Proctorville Animal Clinic as Business Entrepreneur of the Year, Grayson Thornton of the Symmes Creek Restoration Committee as Public Servant of the Year and Jimmy Lemon as the Young Professional of the Year.

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Each of these businesses or individuals have shown what can be accomplished with perseverance, vision and ingenuity.

Even during challenging economic times these business owners have found ways to grow and prosper. The two individuals recognized have shown a willingness to serve the community selflessly, making a positive impact on Lawrence County.

Throughout history, some of the greatest business leaders are those who have found a way to thrive during even the most challenging economic times. That is what this night was all about.

The Chamber absolutely got it right when choosing these recipients. Other business leaders would be just as right to emulate those honored.