Count blessings this Thanksgiving

Published 9:34 am Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving provides us with a much needed opportunity to step back and reflect on all of the things we are blessed to have.

As Americans, we certainly have a lot to be grateful for. We have freedoms that many people in other places in the world will never enjoy, and probably can’t even imagine.

No matter how great the challenges we face in our lives, we should always be thankful for what we have been given.

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Among so many other things, I am thankful for the opportunity to represent the wonderful people of the 89th House District.

As your servant and elected representative, I take this responsibility very seriously. We have seen good times and bad, but through it all we have been blessed to be Ohioans and citizens of the United States of America.

As we give thanks for our many blessings, let us be mindful of those around us who are less fortunate or who are suffering in some way.

Let us all give freely to our local charities and volunteer our time to help those who are unable to help themselves.

And even as we do these things, let us not forget to lift up our less fortunate neighbors in prayer, for each and every one of our special American blessings, from our political and religious liberties to the food on our tables, come as a gifts from God our Creator.

And let us keep foremost in our minds those who are charged with defending our nation and without whom our lives as a good and free people would not be possible: our American military.

We remain engaged in a war that keeps scores of thousands of our service people overseas and away from family and friends, even on such joyous occasions as Thanksgiving.

I salute each and every one of them, and I salute our veterans. Our blessings are from God, and those blessings are defended by our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines.

May God keep those service members that we have lost. May He heal and comfort those who have been wounded.

I know that many of us will be traveling for Thanksgiving. Get to your destination sober and safe! And please be respectful of our law enforcement personnel who will be charged with keeping us so.

Many of them will be on the road doing their duty while we are enjoying dinner with family and friends. To all of our guardians of law and order, I extend my personal gratitude and prayers to you as well.

Indeed, we all have much to be grateful for, and I wish all of my southern Ohio friends and neighbors a very happy Thanksgiving.

God bless!

Rep. Terry Johnson may be reached by calling (614) 466-2124, e-mailing, or writing to State Rep. Terry Johnson, 77 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215.