Why would anyone want to run for U.S. Congress?

Published 9:33 am Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Next week I will file my paperwork as a Republican candidate for Ohio’s 2nd Congressional District (OH-02).

My reason for running is simple. Southern Ohio has been on an economic downward spiral for more than 20 years and I see little vision or leadership devoted to changing our course.

The current Congressional representation has not sponsored a single bill affecting jobs, health care, education, or agriculture since being in office; and in all of 2011 (as of October) has sponsored only a single bill for funding research on bedbugs (see www.govtrack.us/congress/billsearch.xpd).

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Southern Ohio deserves better leadership – our very future depends on getting it.

I grew up in southern Ohio.  My childhood home was a tin house with a potbelly stove.

My father was a country minister who instilled in his family a love for God, respect for authority, and commitment to helping your neighbor.

After graduating from Portsmouth High School, I began studies at the University of Cincinnati – the first in my family to ever go to college.

To earn money I joined the university’s work/study program and my first assignment was at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC.

In Washington, I went on to earn a bachelor’s degree at George Washington University, then a master’s in public administration from the University of the District of Columbia.  I also did post-graduate work at the University of Tel Aviv, Israel.

My career began in public service.  While in school I interned in Congress and later served as a presidential appointee in the administration of George Bush, Sr.

I then left the government and spent the rest of my career in the private sector.  I worked my way up the career ladder in corporate America at IBM, and today I run a successful management and technical consulting firm.

Three years ago I began writing in state and national newspapers on ways to attract jobs to southern Ohio, a place I have always called home.

I’ve written about ways to improve access to health care and education, as well as alternatives for addressing the national debt.   My positions have been well documented in the press for public review (seewww.joegreen.us).

The central focus of my platform is the economic revitalization in southern Ohio.

As your congressman, I will energetically advocate the following 3-Point Plan:

1) Attract Professional & Technical Services Jobs to Southern Ohio.

Professional and technical services have been among the fastest job growth industries in the U.S. for over a decade.

P&T jobs are higher paying on average and can be performed anywhere there is high-speed Internet access, as we have in southern Ohio.

I will discuss ways throughout the campaign for successfully bringing these jobs to southern Ohio.

2) Promote Training and Employment in Trades.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, trade jobs, including electricians, welding, soldering, HVAC, etc., have above average wages, are projected to have strong future demand, and do not require a college degree.

Southern Ohio’s workforce, businesses, and educators are well positioned to launch successful training and employment programs in trades, and it will be my goal to make sure they do.

3) Protect U.S. Manufacturing Jobs from China’s Unfair Trade Practices.

This policy would include removing China as a most favored nation trading partner with the U.S., and aggressively defending America’s intellectual property rights.

The U.S. has lost over six million jobs in manufacturing since 1979; and America’s trade deficit in manufactured goods with China grew from $6.2B in 1989 to $365B in 2010. China’s piracy of U.S. intellectual property is estimated to have cost America at least $48 billion in 2009 and up to 2.1 million new jobs.

As your congressman, I commit to aggressively pursuing these three objectives.

With strong leadership and collaboration, we can provide good jobs for our citizenry so they can build their careers, their lives, here in southern Ohio.

In the words of President Ronald Reagan, “You can accomplish much if you don’t care who gets the credit.”


Joe Green of Piketon, is a candidate for Ohio’s 2nd Congressional District and may be reached at joe@joegreen.us or www.joegreen.us