RHHS Honor Society gets grant from United Way

Published 9:40 am Monday, December 5, 2011

Students from Rock Hill High School National Honor Society and faculty are presented with a check for $2,000 by Laura Gilliam, executive director from the River Cities United Way, to help provide Christmas presents for needy children.

ELIZABETH TOWNSHIP — Aaron Hanshaw doesn’t look a thing like Santa Claus, but he will get to play Santa, minus the reindeer, this week.

On Friday, Laura Gilliam, executive director of The United Way Of The River Cities, handed Hanshaw and his fellow members of the Rock Hill High School Honor Society a check for $2,000 to help pay for clothes and toys for 42 elementary school students. It is part of The Big Cover Up, a program that provides necessities for the disadvantaged. Honor Society Adviser Krista Hayes said the school itself has raised $1,600, bring their total kitty to $3,600. On Tuesday, the honor society members will go shopping for Christmas gifts and then Friday, give those gifts to the children at a party.

Hanshaw said he is glad the honor society can be part of a worthwhile project.

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“A lot of times people think high school students are self-centered. They don’t care about the community. I think this proves just the opposite, that we are willing to help others in need.”

Principal David Hopper said he is proud of the honor society students and proud of what they are doing to help younger children in need.

“The Rock Hill community has always been a giving community in times of need no matter what it is,” Hopper said. “It’s great to see these students are a shining light in the community. They’re showing leadership and pride in community service.”

Gilliam agreed.

“They’re learning what it’s like to pull together for a project,” Gilliam said. “They’re learning what its like to volunteer, give back. I hope they continue to do it.”