Water woes should soon be resolved

Published 9:36 am Friday, December 9, 2011

After they see their water bill, some Ironton residents feel like their hard-earned money is simply going down the drain.

Much of this recent concern is tied to the water-meter replacement project the city is currently conducting. It was logical from the beginning to expect that undertaking such a massive infrastructure improvement project would not be possible without a few challenges.

It appears one of those “glitches” is incorrectly measured or inflated water-usage measurements.

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This is an expected and measurable part of the process –- as long as the city does its part to correct the problems.

In addition to adjusting incorrect bills, officials need to be proactive rather than waiting for customers to complain. Even though they are short staffed, the water department should systematically run histories on accounts to look for red flags where water usage has spiked significantly. Then it will be key to determine if there is a leak, a meter problem or something else.

It will go a long way toward making customers feel better if they know the city is looking into each account. The employees in this department do a good job and will work hard to provide this customer service.

No one wants to pay more than they owe and we do not believe the city intends to charge customers more on their utility bills, a subject that is already touchy with many who are unhappy with the various fees.

Ultimately Ironton water users just have to be patient, pay close attention to their bills and wait for the city to get everything in order.