Ironton BOE could hire new coach Sunday

Published 9:40 am Friday, January 27, 2012


The Ironton Board of Education has scheduled a special meeting for 4 p.m. Sunday to consider employment for the supplemental position of head football coach.

This comes after veteran football coach Bob Lutz announced his retirement Jan. 16 after a 42-year career.

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Superintendent Dean Nance said the position was posted two days later; Sunday, he said, was the first time since Lutz’s announcement all five board members could be available to discuss the vacancy.

“This is a very important position and it’s one that doesn’t happen very often in Ironton,” Nance said. “I believe with the wonderful coaches we’ve had you could almost call this monumental.”

Nance said Athletic Director Mark Lafon has been in charge of screening and interviewing candidates for Lutz’s replacement. Lafon will make his recommendation to Nance, who will meet with the board.

Lafon was contacted for comment on this story and information about the candidates and interest in the Ironton football program. He had not returned the call as of press time.