Steel mill plan could become game-changer
Published 10:03 am Thursday, March 1, 2012
To call the recent announcement of possible construction of a steel mill along the Scioto and Lawrence county border a big deal would be a monstrous understatement.
It wouldn’t be a big deal. It would be an historic victory for an entire region.
Although it is certainly to too early to celebrate, especially because our region has been down this road before, it is encouraging to see that economic development officials are working with a German based-New Steel International on a project that could add as many as 2,500 quality jobs to the Tri-State.
It is clear that a variety of hurdles remain including significant financing needs — a deficit in the realm of $200 million of the $7 billion project.
Still, Lawrence and Scioto counties have spent tens of thousands of dollars over the years trying to make this project happen. It was more than four years ago that Russian developers backed out. New Steel stepped in and has been moving forward ever since.
The fact that the CEO of New Steel International said he expects a groundbreaking this year certainly bodes well. One development official said this project will happen if Ohio Gov. John Kasich wants it to.
How could he not?
The company has already said it is not looking at other Ohio locations but is considering a site in India.
This is Southern Ohio’s chance. This would be an absolute game changer, reshaping the economic landscape of the Tri-State.
Lawrence County Commissioner Bill Pratt said, “We will become the new hub of energy for the country.”
We must do everything possible to make this deal work. Steel was a key part of our region’s past and it could be a vital component to its future.