Ironton’s leaders still aren’t showing clear vision

Published 9:26 am Thursday, March 8, 2012

I read with dismay articles in both the Ironton and Huntington papers concerning Ironton budget deliberations which make no mention of a vision for the future or a strategic plan for Ironton.

Is the vision, “Keeping Ironton a pleasant place to live and work.” Or is it, “Hoping for some economic miracle, barring which we will continue our slow descent into a place people (and businesses) will avoid.”

I certainly agree that waste, fraud and abuse should be attacked wherever found and efficiencies should be pursued.

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However, I also believe city employees should be treated fairly and our health and safety should not be compromised further.

Once all cuts are found and efficiencies addressed, recognition of increased costs must also be addressed.

We inherited a nice town; shouldn’t we strive to maintain it at least as good as we found it? Isn’t that the vision we should all support?

Rising costs will inevitably need to be paid. Inflation is a fact of life in our country’s economic structure.

Paying a little now will avoid paying more later as infrastructure (and talent) deteriorates from benign neglect.


Paul Woods is the chairman of the Ironton Port Authority.