Husband kills wife, turns gun on self
Published 10:11 am Monday, April 9, 2012
SOUTH POINT — An alleged domestic argument turned deadly for an elderly couple.
Dalton L. Holley, 84, and his wife, Lola J. Holley, 76, both of 4300 County Road 15, South Point, were found dead in their home Sunday evening by their daughter.
“The couple had been arguing throughout the day and at some point the male subject obtained a small caliber revolver and shot his wife in a back bedroom,” Sheriff Jeff Lawless said. “Then he turned the weapon on himself.”
The sheriff’s office was notified by the daughter at 5:30 p.m. Sunday.
“She lived there but was not at home at the time,” Lawless said. “She had confirmed the argument.”
Lawless said there had not been any previous reports of domestic violence incidents. The case has been ruled a murder-suicide.