Sapp files bankruptcy

Published 1:11 am Monday, April 9, 2012

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Former NFL star Warren Sapp owes more than $6.7 million to creditors and back child support and alimony, according to a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing in South Florida.

Sapp’s $6.45 million in assets includes 240 pairs of Jordan athletic shoes worth almost $6,500, a $2,250 watch and a lion skin rug worth $1,200. He also reported losing his 2002 Super Bowl ring with the Bucs and his 1991 national championship ring from the University of Miami.

Sapp’s average monthly income is $115,881, according to the filings, and includes $45,000 for a final contract payment with Showtime, $48,000 for an appearance with CCA Sports and $18,675 as an advance for a book deal.

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The court documents were filed in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Fort Lauderdale on March 30. first reported the filing.

A phone message and e-mail left Saturday with his attorney, Chad Pugatch, were not immediately returned.